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FESOJ concluded extended training on trade union rights with trusted persons in Mogadishu

FESOJ concluded extended training on trade union rights with trusted persons in Mogadishu

Mogadishu, Saturday, July 13, 2024: Mogadishu, Saturday, July 13, 2024: The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has concluded one-day extended training workshop on trade union rights with trusted persons from ten media houses operational in Mogadishu held on Saturday, July 13, 2024 at Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia.

“The training is intending to extend reinforcing the understanding of the trade union functions, especially addressing the labour rights disputes between employees and media employers.” Mohamed Mohamud Adde , Senior media expert and FESOJ Consultant pointed out In his opening remarks.

In addition, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ has highlighted the training will mainly focus on further strengthening the awareness of the trusted persons on the importance of joining with a trade union to defend the labour rights of the media workers.

The main intention of the training program was to strengthen the awareness of the trusted persons on the importance of joining with a trade union to defend the labour rights of the media workers, and to train the newly elected trusted person in their tasks to address the labour rights issues as well.

Twenty trusted persons in attendance were selected from ten media stations in Mogadishu including Radio Risaala, Radio Dalsan/TV, Radio Goobjoog/TV, Radio Arlaadii, Radio Himilo, , Radio Star FM, Radio Kulmiye, Radio Qaran, Radio Mustaqbal and Radio Hiranweyn.

In addition, the main topics discussed during the sessions included the functions of the trusted persons at the media work places, the challenges experienced, how that constraints could be addressed and so far, what success have been achieved. A session focusing on the nine elements of the human resources policy has been also covered.

Furthermore, the main performance of the trusted persons was detailed which has been described to include advocacy, mediator, dispute settlement and watchdog, which if well understood will eventually improve the works of the trusted persons.

The trusted persons are expected to monitor the journalist’s rights by checking if fair recruitment, contract and standard working hours are applied at the media houses.

In conclusion, Farah Omar Nur, FESOJ Secretary General has appreciated the twenty trusted persons, 50% female for participating in the capacity building training program on labour rights to improve the working conditions of the journalists at the media workplaces. He said similar trainings are planned to be conducted at the major regions across Somalia.

“The training program has improved our understanding on how to address the labour rights disagreements at the workplaces.” Ali Abdulle Hilowle , from Radio Himilo pointed out.

Shukri Aabi Abdi from Radio Risaala, mentioned that she will apply what they have learned from the training program and appreciated FESOJ for the opportunity.

The training is part of program activities funded by the EU, supported by Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and implemented by FESOJ in cooperation with VIKES.

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