FESOJ concluded one – day follow -up meeting on assessment priority needs for Somali disable journalists

Mogadishu, Saturday, June 22, 2024: The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has organized and concluded a one-day follow -up meeting on assessment priority needs for Somali disabled journalists that was held on Saturday, June 22, 2024 at Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu City, Somalia.
Members from the Somali Disable Journalists Association (SODJA working for various media outlets in the cities of Mogadishu, Kismayo, Baidoa and Dhuusamareeb were the key participants in the meeting. The representatives of the disabled journalists from the cities of Kismayo, Baidoa and Dhusamareb attended the meeting via virtual link.
The meeting mainly focused on discussing what has been achieved, the way forward and the process of data collection of disable journalists across Somalia.
“The purpose of the meeting is to highlight the status of the disable persons in general and in particular the situation of the Somali disables journalists. Globally, there are an estimated 1.3 billion people experiencing significant disability, representing 16% of the world’s population, and every disable person has due rights.” Mohmed Mohamud Adde , Senior Media Trainer pointed out in his opening remarks.
Thereafter, Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ has mentioned this gathering of today is follow up of last year’s meeting assessing the priority needs of the Somali disable journalists with video production, panel discussion with the media managers has been made.
“The meeting discussed what changes has been achieved since last years’ meeting and what is remaining to be done in regard to disable journalists challenges in the road safety, not receiving equal jobs with equal salaries as the able journalists, lack of proper equipment supports for the disable journalists in their jobs and no equal opportunities in training programs.”
Ahmed Mohamed Ali Sharif, FESOJ head of training department mentioned.
The discussions highlighted the significance of further doubling the efforts of the Somali Disable Journalists Association (SODJA) to increase raising awareness for improving the rights of the disable journalists, advocate for the passing the Somali National Disability draft Bill in last year.
It was highlighted when the bill is officially adopted, the National Disability Act is expected to be the main legislation in Somalia that could support the persons with disabilities (PWDs), including disable journalists in Somalia get more rights in the social and policy in the country.
It was also suggested, the disable journalists to increase their skills in using the digital technology and use the social media platform to promote their professional work and awareness for their rights within the community.
In addition, Abdifatah Hassan (Kalgacal), visually impaired senior journalist and Chairman of the Somali Disable Journalists Association (SODJA), appreciated for the valuable meeting held between SODJA members and FESOJ team and pledged to further maintain strengthening the cooperation for enhancing the rights of disable journalists across Somalia.
In his closing remarks, Farah Omar Nur, FESOJ Secretary General has suggested WhatsApp Group contact to be established between SODJA member journalists and FESOJ for regular contact and information/recommendation sharing. He also suggested to encourage SODJA to join with the Somali Mechanism for Safety of Journalists (SMSJ) members to further strength their visibility and rights as well.
Furthermore, he also mentioned that FESOJ is intending to undertake programs related with video production and panel discussion for disable journalists with the media managers in due course, and finally thanked the disable journalists in Mogadishu and the others in the regions through online for their participation in the meeting.
The meeting is part of program activities funded by the EU, supported by Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and implemented by FESOJ in cooperation with VIKES.