FESOJ Concluded Training on Improving The Role of Journalists and Police in Strengthening Peace Building Programs

Mogadishu, Sunday, December 15, 2024: With support of VIKES, the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has concluded today a two- day training on improving the role of journalists in strengthening peace building programs in Mogadishu city, Somalia.
Twenty participants in attendance of the training were from the faculty of journalism of the Somali National University, Ossob TV, Somali National TV, Capital Voice, Radio Himilo, Bilan Media, Disability journalist’s union and Police.
The participants have benefited from the capacity building program for the role of the journalists and the police in peace building that have been in progress from the 14th to 15th December 2024 at Sahafi Hotel in Mogadishu city, Somalia.
Senior trainers from FESOJ has been facilitating presentations focusing on key topics including what is the police role in peace building, what is the media role in peace building, and how can police and media collaborate to strengthen peace building.
“The intention is how to further improve the journalists’ and police role in strengthening peace building program through close cooperation and communication.” Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ has stated in his opening remarks.
On his part, Major Abdifatah Adan Hassan, Spokesman of the Somali police mentioned the joint training will eventually highlight the role of the journalists and police that will lead to their close cooperation to make the public understand the significance of promoting peace.
“The joint training for the journalists and police will remove the distrust between them, and will improve their efforts for peace building.” Mohamed Mohamud Adde, Senior media trainer and FESOJ consultant pointed out.
During the two- day training proceedings, the participants have been taken through themes on What is the police role in peace building, what is the Media role in peace building and How can media and police collaborate to strengthen peace building efforts.
With the group discussion sessions, the participants have been given opportunity to exchange different views on how journalists and police can work together in 2025 and what are the obstacles to overcome.
Ismail Abdulkadir Ali, FESOJ consultant on Disable journalists’ issues indicated the media senior management and the high-level police commanders should further discuss cementing close coordination between the media and police to support peace building program.
“We benefited from the training on how the journalists and the police media will jointly work on promotion of peace and development for the country, and how to find solution for the prevailing conflicts.” Sahra Ahmed Hassan from Bilan Media stated.
In his closing remarks, Farah Omar Nur, FESOJ Secretary General appreciated the participants for their time in attending the workshop. He suggested to establish WhatsApp Groups link for future communication and create Hashtag presenting peace themes.
“We need the journalists and the police to work together to raise public awareness on peace building programs.” Abdifatah Adan Hassan, Spokesman of the Somali police indicated in his closing speech.
In conclusion, the journalists and the police participating the training workshop have been provided with certificates of attendance.