FESOJ has commemorated the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI) – 2022

Mogadishu city, Wednesday, November 3, 2022: The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has concluded a Panel Discussion on an international day to end impunity for crimes against journalists on November 2, 2022.
The panel discussion in observance of the annual event for an international day to end impunity for crimes against journalists (IDEI) focused on the significance of drawing attention to and raising awareness of the issue of impunity to crimes against journalists.
With the support of UNSOM, FESOJ has organized a TV panel discussion on remembering the IDEI event to improve the ending of impunity against journalists and discuss the best way to protect the journalists.
The panel discussion event was recorded at Sahafi Hotel and transmitted through the widely listened Mogadishu-based Goobjoog TV on the same night for wider public attention.
The panel discussion was part of the series of activities organized and implemented by FESOJ dealing with the main themes raising the concern over the impunity for crimes against journalists in Somalia, and presentation on the issues related to press freedom, killing with impunity and harassment of Somali journalists.
The TV panel discussion event was participated by 40 selected persons, including media directors, editors, journalists, intellectuals, civil society activists and lawyers.
Before starting the TV panel discussion, Mohamed Mohamud Adde, former Senior BBC journalist, briefly presented to the audience the background of the event, pointing out the date for the IDEI was chosen to observe the assassination of two French journalists, Claude Verlon and Ghislaine Dupont on November 2, 2013. The offenders remain un-apprehend to this day.
He described the significance of remembering the IDEI event to bring attention to the crimes against the media workers, urging governments to contain the violence against the journalist and bring the offenders to justice.
The four panelists for the panel discussions have analyzed, discussed and debated on the IDEI event and how to address the impunity for offences against the journalists and the media in Somalia.
During the one-hour-long panel discussions, the following main themes have been raised and debated including the type of crimes against journalists that happen in Somalia, and how to address the lack of not detaining and adequately investigating the offenders and bring them to justice.
The panel discussions stressed the need to strengthen advocacy campaigns and the rule of law to prevent impunity for crimes against the media and journalists in Somalia.
Furthermore, it was also suggested to maintain building the capacity of journalists on the ethics of professional journalism for accuracy and balanced reporting and improving the safety of journalists.
As result, the panel discussion has highlighted the significance of intensifying the continuing determinations to improve Press Freedom and freedom of expression and the rule of law by improving journalists’ safety and ending impunity in Somalia.