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FESOJ Organized Panel Discussion on Press Freedom in Somalia in commemoration for the World Press Freedom Day in Mogadishu

FESOJ Organized Panel Discussion on Press Freedom in Somalia in commemoration for the World Press Freedom Day in Mogadishu

Mogadishu, Friday, May 03, 2024: The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has organized and convened One – day Panel Discussion on press freedom in Somalia held on Thursday, May 2, 2022 ahead of Friday, May 3, 2024, which is the official World Press Freedom Day at Jazeera Palace Hotel in Mogadishu, Somalia.

The panel discussion in commemoration of World Press Freedom Day – May 3, 2024 event focused on strengthening the importance of press Freedom Day in Somalia and to stress environmental issues and their significance to Somalia.

During the roundtable panel discussion issues related with freedom of expression, press freedom and environment protection was raised and the number of violations against the Somali Media and journalists was presented.

The one -day panel discussion event has been participated by 50 selected persons including members from media directors, editors, journalists, media associations, intellectuals, police and civil society activists.

“The annual event is intended to remind the significance of the World Press Freedom Day and issue report on the status of press freedom and safety of the media and journalists in the context of Somalia.” Farah Omar Nur, FESOJ Secretary General explained in his opening remarks.

Then, Mohamed Mohamud Adde, Senior Journalist briefly explained the event is marking the 31st anniversary when the UN General Assembly declared World Press Freedom Day in December 1993, and pointed out the theme of the WPFD 2024 is “A Press for the Planet: Journalism in the Face of the environmental crisis”

Furthermore, in signifying the occasion of this year’s World Press Freedom Day May 3, 2024, the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has prepared, produced and circulated Somalia Annual Press Freedom Report 2023 – 2024 entitled: -“Somalia: Government Violated Media Law it Previously Endorsed, Undermining Press Freedom.”

From May 2023 to May 2024, the FESOJ office recorded 28 cases of violations against Somali journalists. There were three incidents of killing, one targeting a journalist in Aabudwaq District, Galmudug. One was killed in a suicide bombing in Mogadishu, while the third journalist died of long-term injuries caused by a bomb that was attached to his car years ago. There were also 20 journalists who were arrested, one journalist who was tortured, one journalist who was kidnapped, one journalist who was taken out of his area and one radio station was attacked and staff arrested.

Moreover, the annual report has made valuable recommendations including call on the Somali federal government, other armed actors and the media partners to work with media rights defenders, civil society organizations, and media outlets to put in place effective mechanism to guarantee access to information for the media and the general public, press freedom and improving the safety of the Somali journalists.

In addition, the unilateral appointment of the Somalia National Media Council by the Somali government was mentioned as other abuses against the signed media law, undermining press freedom. It was suggested there is need for the government to consider review the process with which the National Media Council was established.

On his part, Abdifatah Aden, the Somali police spokesperson praised FESOJ in organizing the event pointing out he is planning to organize meeting between members from the media , police and the prosecutor for cementing close cooperation to further improve the safety environment for the Somali media and journalists.

Then, the panel discussion session organized by FESOJ and MWN, and supported by UNOSM followed which was participated by members from the Somali Non-State Actors ( SONSA), female journalist, Somali Media Association (SOMA) , activist for the visually impaired journalists and Chairlady of Green Light who is activist for the environmental protection.

The panelists discussions focused on strengthening joint cooperation for improving the safety of journalists and press freedom, the need to encourage the improving role of female journalists, maintain for capacity building for the journalists, prevent the continuing abuses against the journalists, train journalists in environmental issues reporting and community awareness on the impacts of climate changes.

On the other hand, FESOJ has presented number of brochures in support of marking the World Press Freedom Day event highlighting expressions signifying the occasion.

In conclusion, in press conference, Farah Omar Nur, FESOJ Secretary General has made brief over review about the key points discussed during the panel discussion and the FESOJ Annual report presentation.

The need to establish the Somali National Media Council through legal process in respect with the article 14 of the Media Law since it has been signed by two Presidents previously, the need to work with the Somali government to further strengthen the safety of the journalists and the role of the media in focusing on environmental issues coverage has been also raised.

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FESOJ Annual Report 2023-2024

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