FESOJ was founded and is governed by our member journalists. We are a democratic union, and our strength comes from the involvement and engagement of all our members. It is possible for all members to influence policy.
The Union’s policy, objectives and priorities are decided at the General Assembly, which meets once in every three years. Six Branches of the union are entitled to send delegates to the General Assembly in proportion to the size of their membership. Policies and programs developed by the elected members are implemented and administered by the National Secretariat.
FESOJ is governed by a Supreme Council, responsible for the general policies between General Assemblies, and an Executive Committee, in charge for the administration of the Union. The diversity of the union’s membership also is one of its strengths. FESOJ is pitilessly opposed to discrimination and prejudice, on grounds of gender, tribe/clan, age or disability, not least because it divides rather than unites.