Somali Journalist Union to Pick New Officials on Saturday

Mogadishu, 28, 06, 2019 : Journalists under the umbrella of National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) are set to pick new officials in an election to be held on Saturday.
This follows the commencement of General Assembly which opened Thursday with over 70 delegates from the branches arriving for the meeting taking place at the SYL Hotel, which ends on Sunday.
The theme for this years’ conference is “Free press, access to information is crucial for development of Somalia”.
On Friday morning journalists debate the draft of Somali journalist code of conduct facilitated by Abdi Muse Mohamed from Finish Foundation for Media Development (VIKES). It is expected that the delegates debate deeply on the articles in the draft Somali journalist code of conduct who will sign up and pass to adhere to its professional principles.
The outgoing Secretary General of NUSOJ Mohamed Ibrahim Moalimuu lauded the efforts of the member journalists and their contribution to union and appreciated the efforts of journalists from the regions who made possible to convene the capital for the interest of Somali journalists . Moalimuu also thanked civil society organizations and human rights defenders and youth organizations of championing the course of journalists.
Farhiya Muraad, a female journalist representative speaking on behalf of the delegates from Banadir region said ‘ We have high expectation the begining general assembly and we hope it shall be the appropriate period to review the union’s policy and consitution and make the necessary reforms” She said.
Mohamud Abuukaate , Member of Media and Telecomunication Comittee from Somali Parliament pointed out “ We are prepared to support the outcome of the NUSOJ General Assembly Meeting and the election management team. We are continuing the necessary review on the media law before its approval.”
Osman Tahlil Shaatah, Chairman of Somali Non-State Actors (SONSA) the biggest civil society umbrella in South and Central Somalia indicated NUSOJ is member of SONSA and is platform defending the rights of the journalists and upgrading their professional skills. “He urged NUSOJ to further strengthen their unity and expected for successful General Assembly meeting.
On Saturday, delegates will elect new members from the Somali Journalists that will lead the union in the coming three years.
Q and A session was held on Thursday night in which former NUSOJ leaders were asked questions relating to the challenges, achievements in the past and also future recommendations.
Outgoing NUSOJ President Mahir Jama Aden explained participants of the GA the current status of media freedom and yet the challenges faced by the journalists in which he said needs much effort from all stakeholders to achieve a safe environment that journalist can work in.
The main purpose of the GA meeting is to share information on the main achievements, challenges, financial reports since the last GA meeting of NUSOJ, and discuss other significant issues as per planned agenda for the meeting leading to the further development of the program’s activities for NUSOJ in the short and long term.
The main issues to be covered during the 3- day General Assembly include:
.Opening remarks by distinguished guests from civil society groups, government and partners.
.The Chairman, Deputy Chairman and the Executive Committee members report on the achievements and challenges since the last meeting and the expected future activities
.Presentation of financial report
.Session on code of conduct
.Session on labor rights .
.Election of New NUSOJ governing team
.Discuss Code of Conduct of Somali journalists and journalist labor rights.
Closing remarks.