The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) is welcoming marking the UN Day

Today we welcome the observation of the UN Day event marking the 77th anniversary of the official creation of the United Nations through the 1945 UN Charter.
In addition to maintaining international peace and security, the United Nations protects human rights, delivers humanitarian aid, promotes support sustainable development and climate change action and upholds international law.
The UN and its specialized agencies provide various services including health, education, culture, science, environment and development, protecting the political rights of human being, their safety, live good life and achieve all their goals such as marriage and work.
The organization also serves people affected by the civil wars, refugees and internally displaced people.
The UN is the world’s largest international organization with the largest budget.
The purpose of establishing the UN is to strengthen peace and the role of independence of member countries. In fact, its staff are comprising of nationals from the world.
The UN is leading campaign for preventing racism based on religion and organized gangs resisting the law, that are rejecting to solve the world’s problems through peace and understanding.
In the context of Somalia, the UN has been the backbone for Somalia achieving its independence during the trusteeship period.
Following the collapse of Somalia in 1991, the UN has been leading the emergency humanitarian assistance provision and the reconciliation process for Somalia. The UN has been also standing by the country for the past thirty years after Somalia has plunged into chaos.
Although there are no accurate statistics, more than 70% of the United Nations and its various agencies have reached Somali people with their different valuable services, which included the vaccinations of children, and food aid supported by the people affected by natural disasters such as droughts and flooding.
Specifically, the people that have directly and indirectly benefited the United Nations services included the Somali journalists that have been supported with training and protection of their rights in freedom of expression, access to information and safety.