Twenty young journalists completed training advancing their professional skills in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State

Mogadishu, Friday, October 27, 2023: The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has finalized training with young newly employed journalists across Somalia on professional skills in Beledweyne city.
The 2 -day training workshop conducted from 25th to 26th October 2023 at Kaamil Hotel in Beledweyne city was held for 20 young journalists coming from various media outlets including radio stations and freelancers.
“The intention is to improve the professional capacity of the young journalists especially in the ethics of journalism and the media law which is required to be practically implemented. There is also the need to raise the journalists’ awareness and understanding on fake news, disinformation and other basic topics for upgrading their professional skills.” Farah Omar Nur, Secretary General of FESOJ pointed in his opening remarks.
On his part, Abdi Ahmed Husse in , FESOJ Focal Point in Beledweyne city, Hirshabelle State pointed out that FESOJ is taking the right direction by upgrading the capacity of the newly employed young journalists and raising their understanding of ethical obligation. He added that it is expected for the journalists to practically implement what they have learned in future.
During the 2-day training proceedings, the participants were taken through the main themes focusing on: Journalism ethics, the media law, gender sensitive reporting, use of social media – roles and critiques, fake news and combating disinformation.
In his closing remarks, Farah Omar Nur, the Secretary General of FESOJ stated to be very pleased with successfully completing the 2 – day training for the newly young employed journalists with basic professional skills and what is believed to be important for the media including how to cover gender sensitive issues.
Furthermore, he indicated the young journalists were presented with other themes including disinformation, how to deal carefully with social media and the ethics that generally protect professional skills.
“The Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) is intending to maintain implementing similar training workshops with newly employed journalists in the major regional states across Somalia.” Farha Omar Nur, the Secretary General of FESOJ pointed out.
In addition, FESOJ conducted a one–day training session on October 27, 2023, at Kaamil Hotel, Beledweyne City with six trusted individuals from three media houses in Beledweyne city.
During the training sessions, Farah Omar Niur, FESOJ Secretary General described the labour rights booklet which is briefing knowledge of the journalist’s labour rights, and the trade union at workplace that practically unites journalist workers, and advised the journalists to enter an agreement with the employer, which encourages both parties to respect the rights and obligations written within the agreement.
The six trusted persons were also trained in the tasks of addressing labor rights issues in their workplaces. The participants consisted of three male and three female journalists from Radio Hiranwayn, Radio Berelula and Radio Codka Hiran. The journalists raised some questions with Farah Omar Nur , FESOJ Secretary General after each receiving printed copy of the booklet entitled “Journalist Know Your Rights.”.
The training workshop and the Trusted Persons is part of program activities funded by the EU, supported by Free Press Unlimited (FPU) and implemented by FESOJ in cooperation with VIKES.