FESOJ Concluded 3-day training for journalists in Jowhar City, Hirshabelle State

Jowhar city, Tuesday, September 21, 2021: The Minister of Information of Hirshabelle State Mohamed Abdirahman Mohamed has concluded today a 3-day training workshop on capacity building on election reporting and supporting the 30% quota for women for thirty journalists members of FESOJ and other media outlets operational at Jowhar city area.
The training workshops intended to strengthen the capacity of journalists in election reporting and to support the 30% women quota during the elections in Somalia has been convened from 19th to 21st September 2021 at Jowhar city, Hirshabelle State.
The training was specifically focusing on building the capacity of journalists in reporting elections and ensuring a 30% quota for women. The facilitators from the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) have provided the participants 3-day training courses relating to ethics and media production.
During the training sessions, the journalists presented topics related to the 30% quota for women in the Somali Parliament, while making debates, analyses, short dramas, news packages and reports on those topics. The journalists have presented all those topics practically.
In conclusion, Farah Omar, Secretary-General of FESOJ has briefed the Minister of Information, the Governor, the District Commissioner and the Mayor of Jowhar city about the training they have officially opened earlier for the journalists that have learned skills and themes on the 30% quota for women.
Speaking after the workshop, Mohamed Abdirahman Mohamed, the Minister of Information of Hirshabelle State thanked FESOJ facilitators and said it was great to conduct this training in Jowhar city at a time when most needed. He indicated that he could understand much learned from the 30% quota training for women and expected to get similar pieces of training from FESOJ.
On their part, Ahmed Meyre Makaraan, Governor of Middle Shabelle Region, Osman Baaray , Jowhar District Commissioner and Salah Muudey, Governor of Jowhar, has described the 3-day training as a way to build the skills of the journalists in Hirshabelle, especially in Jowhar city. They advised the journalist to apply what they have learned over the past three days and guide the community for good.
In his closing remarks through the internet, Mr Ari Gaitanis, UNSOM’s Chief of Strategic Communications, expressed his pleasure that the journalists in Jowhar city have completed the training on election reporting and women 30% quota.
“The workshop has coincided with the 21 September, the annual World Peace Day, and urged the journalists to serve the Somali peace with their media programs.” Mr Ari Gaitanis stated.
Speaking on behalf of the participants, Maryam Sheikh Abdi said that the trainers learned from the facilitators how to make programs, debates and reports on various topics based on election coverage and the 30% quota for women.
Abdullahi Ilaaji, another participant, said he had learned how to report on elections and broadcasting programs that focused on women’s quotas. He said they would work on their radio station and produce programs on women’s quotas.
In partnership with the United Nations Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ) has conducted the three-day capacity building workshop on election reporting and supporting the 30% women quota in Jowhar city, Hirshabelle State.